Full Streaming Queen of the Damned in Best Video Format
Now you can watch full Queen of the Damned in HD format with duration 101 Min and has been launched in 2002-02-22 with MPAA rating is 53.- Original Title : Queen of the Damned
- Movie title in your country : Queen of the Damned
- Year of movie : 2002
- Genres of movie : Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2002-02-22
- Companies of movie : Village Roadshow Pictures, NPV Entertainment, Warner Bros Pictures,
- Countries of movie : Australia, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 101 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.4
- Youtube ID of movie : 2Gu9HtN05sc
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,RU,TR,IT,FR,FI,NL,PL,ES,PT,SV,HU,ZH,CS,EL,
- Cast of movie :Stuart Townsend (Lestat de Lioncourt), Aaliyah (Akasha), Marguerite Moreau (Jessica ‚Jesse‘ Reeves), Vincent PĂ©rez (Marius de Romanus), Paul McGann (David Talbot), Lena Olin (Maharet), Claudia Black (Pandora), Bruce Spence (Khayman), Christian Manon (Mael), Matthew Newton (Armand), Tiriel Mora (Roger), Megan Dorman (Maudy)
Movie summary of Queen of the Damned :
Release Queen of the Damned in Best Video Format with movie synopsis "Lestat de Lioncourt is awakened from his slumber. Bored with his existence he has now become this generations new Rock God. While in the course of time, another has arisen, Akasha, the Queen of the Vampires and the Dammed. He want's immortal fame, his fellow vampires want him eternally dead for his betrayal, and the Queen want's him for her King. Who will be the first to reach him? Who shall win?" in best video format. Free Streaming Queen of the Damned in High Quality Video by push of the download link.
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... Full Streaming Queen of the Damned in High Quality 720p ...
Casting : Greg Apps, Casting : Kristy Carlson, Costume Design : Angus Strathie, Director : Michael Rymer, Screenplay : Scott Abbott, Screenplay : Michael Petroni, Producer : Jorge Saralegui, Executive Producer : Andrew Mason, Executive Producer : Bill Gerber, Executive Producer : Bruce Berman, Executive Producer : Su Armstrong, Director of Photography : Ian Baker, Music : Richard Gibbs, Editor : Dany Cooper
Of course, now you can watch movie of Queen of the Damned entirely length and acquire the link to this motion picture Queen of the Damned in top quality.
Tags: queen, secret society, vampire, light, music, rockstar, spontaneous combustion, fatal attraction,
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